Tuesday, April 1, 2008

CFOT Results: Fran

Greg and Annie getting their Fran on in Santa Cruz

Our final CFO Throwdown WOD was a fitting one: Fran.

Fran is as follows:

21-15-9 reps for time:

Thrusters @ 95#

Top 3 Men:

Patrick 3:12
Daniel & Nabil 3:34
Loren 3:55

Top 3 Women:

Tamara 3:33
Candace 3:39
Casey 4:33

Congrats to Tamara and Daniel for winning the CFO Throwdown.

I'll have another post to follow this one, wrapping up the entire throwdown and giving my final thoughts.

Until then, the CFOT totals have been updated through Fran.