Saturday, March 15, 2008

CFOT Results: Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Reps

Dimas snatching 180.5 kg (397 lbs)

We got to show off our skills in the snatch today. This lift proved to be quite challenging for many, which is to be expected. The Olympic lifts are our most technically complex barbell movements, and much of their value lies in the skill it takes to execute them, in addition to the huge carryover they have in other athletic endeavors.

Top 3 Men:

Connor 215#
Daniel 185#
JP 165#

Top 3 Women:

Tamara 135#
Candace 110#
Kirsten 78#

Please note that the men's results are preliminary, given that there are a few more heavy hitters making up the workout. So the CFOT point totals may change still.

For now, though, the CFOT totals have been updated through today's workout.


Anonymous said...

Just in case anyone took me seriously on that last post, or has never watched ESPN... this should help explain.

However, I do agree w/ Laura on the posting anonymously.... weak.

steven T said...

last i recall I did 165 yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Peace to all..maybe we should have a meditation yoga day! This is only going to get harder, let's not fall apart now. Good job Candace on the lift, I know that must have been tough on the knee :)

Tamara (not your anonymous imposter!)

Brad Greenlee said...

Crap, if I thought I could have gotten a 3rd place, I would have stayed and done a snatch-off w/ Lau. What happened to Steven's 165?

daniel said...

You are correct that you did 165 POUNDS. Everybody else was counting in POODS.

steven T said...

I wish I could do 165 poods of anything

Anonymous said...

Nate...are you kidding me? I am really starting to resent these soldier WOD's. I am blaming George W. for my downfall in the throw-down.

steven T said...

thank the dubbbbb

p. said...

Daniel, I want your short arms for're gonna destroy this WOD...

and mikey too...I'll bet your stoked about this one.

TRocksTheParty said...

Patrick you should be glad that you are one of the few with muscle-ups and handstand pushups!

steven T said...

and I still contest... I did at least 155 perfectly with witnesses. How you like dem apples.

p. said...

haha i say steven is a liar, give the points to lau so steven cant pull away from the crowd....

steven T said...

by all means dont... itll make it that much sweeter.

Mike Minium said...

OK, Steven, sounds like you got at least 155# w/ arms locked. I've updated the scores accordingly.