Monday, September 15, 2008

CFOT Results: Fran

Daniel and Candace, the current king and queen of Fran, respectively

It seems like it wouldn't be a CFOT without Fran showing up, and sure enough, she graced us with her presence yesterday.  This was the first C2B experience with Fran since the CF Games and nearly everyone saw major improvements across the board.

Top 3 Women:

Candace 4:18
Vee 8:36
Connie 8:42

Top 3 Men:

Mini 4:32
Daniel 4:46
Brandon 5:30

I've udpated the CFOT point totals through today's workout, Fran.

The CFOT concludes tomorrow with Michael.  So lace up them running shoes, all you cardio bunnies!



damn, Mike - you sure throw your results up there in a timely manner! Nice work on that b*tch, Fran...

Mike Minium said...


You know what I like about you? Nothing!

Just kidding, I like that you don't miss a thing.

I plead guilty on this one, for sure.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused. If Candace's time is almost 30 seconds faster than Daniel's doesn't that make her the King and Daniel the Queen?

TRocksTheParty said...

Mike great job on Fran today. It wasn't cool that you finished Fran & Michael while I was still struggling on my first round of pullups!

Brad Greenlee said...

Hey, Mini McSlacker...when are you going to post the final updates? :)


seriously, Mike. Clearly you didn't win - stop pouting and let us in on the secret...