Monday, September 22, 2008

CFOT Final Results: And the Winner Is...

So all of the tallying is finished with (by the way, if any of you disagree with your point totals, please let me know; I definitely could've made some mistakes so please double-check my figures and the workout results).

Hat's off to Candace, who ran away with the CFOT during the two weeks it was going on. She even set a women's record in Fran along the way.

And on the men's side, it's a dead heat between favorite rivals Brandon and Daniel.

Daniel needed to tie Brandon in the Chief on his final workout on the rest day, and did just that, tying Brandon with 31 rounds.

So how's it going to be decided, you may be asking? The only right way, of course: with a 1:1 workout between the two!

Because we're gearing up for FGB this coming Saturday, I'm going to come up with a workout that the two of them will do against each other next week (preferably when they're both well-rested so that they can go at it with full force). The workout will emphasize strengths (and weaknesses) of both competitors, so that there won't be an unfair advantage one way or another. And we're looking for a high-power, short-duration style of workout.

And in the spirit of giving, I'd like to fully encourage everyone to engage in bet-making on this showdown between two of our top athletes. And I'd like all of the proceeds to go to the FGB fundraising pot we're building at CFO.

So let's hear it: who's your money on?

CFOT Results: Michael

The final workout of the throwdown was Michael:

3 rounds for time:

Run 800m
50 back extensions
50 sit-ups

We threw an interesting twist to the workout: every woman who did the workout did 55# good mornings, and every man who did the workout did 75# good mornings.

Top 3 Women:

Connie 18:46
LB 20:00
Sierra 20:42

Top 3 Men:

Lance 15:36
Brandon 17:05
Daniel 17:06

In my next post, I'll post the final CFOT point totals. For now, the point totals are updated through Michael, not counting any make-up workouts that happened on the final day.

Monday, September 15, 2008

CFOT Results: Fran

Daniel and Candace, the current king and queen of Fran, respectively

It seems like it wouldn't be a CFOT without Fran showing up, and sure enough, she graced us with her presence yesterday.  This was the first C2B experience with Fran since the CF Games and nearly everyone saw major improvements across the board.

Top 3 Women:

Candace 4:18
Vee 8:36
Connie 8:42

Top 3 Men:

Mini 4:32
Daniel 4:46
Brandon 5:30

I've udpated the CFOT point totals through today's workout, Fran.

The CFOT concludes tomorrow with Michael.  So lace up them running shoes, all you cardio bunnies!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

CFOT Results: The Chief

Brandon's favorite photo

Today's workout was a brand-new one: The Chief.

The Chief is as follows:

Max rounds in 3 minutes:

3 Power cleans @ 135#/85#
6 Push-Ups
9 Squats

Rest 1 minute

5 cycles in total

Top 3 Women:

Candace 26 rounds (95#)
Robyn 20 rounds
Vee 18 rounds

Top 3 Men:

Brandon & Daniel 31
Connor, Lance, and Manwell 26

We're all current, barring any make-up workouts! I've updated the CFOT point totals through today's workout, The Chief.

Please post to the blog any discrepancies in round scores for The Chief. I was working off of limited information since I was out of town all Sunday.

Get ready for Fran tomorrow!

Craig Counsell and Laila Ali

Friday, September 12, 2008

CFOT Results: Clean-and-Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 Reps

Big C and Little C, familiar faces atop the leaderboard on limit-strength days

Today's workout was Clean-and-Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 reps.

We didn't mandate that you had to catch the clean in a full squat, you simply had to catch it cleanly without any hitches or adjustments upon racking the bar.  The jerk had to be caught in the locked-out position, regardless of whether you split-jerked it or push-jerked it.

Top 3 Women:

Candace 155#
Robyn 105#
Connie 90#

Top 3 Men:

Connor 235#
MJJ 230#
Brandon 220#

I've updated the CFOT point totals through today's workout, C&J 3-3-3-3-3 reps.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

CFOT Results: Daniel

Today's workout was Daniel:

50 Pull-Ups
Run 400m 
21 Thrusters @ 95#/65#
Run 800m
21 Thrusters @ 95#/65#
Run 400m
50 Pull-Ups

Top 3 Women:

Candace 21:25
Connie 24:30
Vee 34:33

Top 3 Men:

Brandon 17:58
Daniel 18:55
Jed 21:06

I've updated the CFOT point totals through today's workout, Daniel.

CFOT Results: Lynne Ain't Squat

Candace and Daniel took top honors in today's WOD

The first workout in this three-day cycle was fascinating.  It was Lynne (max reps at bodyweight bench press and pull-ups) plus max reps in bodyweight squats.

5 Rounds for max reps:

Bodyweight Bench Press
Bodyweight Back Squat

The training effect of this workout was profound, to put it mildly.  As Nabil put it after the workout, he's only ever felt worse during Barbara.

There was only one woman who did it as rx'd:  Candace.

And the men's race resulted in Daniel on top, nabbing another first-place finish.

Below are the results for the gentlemen and ladies, with their total number of reps listed after their name.

Top Women:

Candace 166

Top 3 Women:

Daniel 252
Brandon 238
Jed 206

I've updated the CFOT point totals through today's workout:  Lynne Ain't Squat.

And get your pull-ups, thrusters, and running warmed up for the hero workout Daniel!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Day of Changes

This past rest day resulted in a number of changes to the CFOT point totals.

Daniel and Jed nailed down the second- and third-place spots in FGB, while Brandon finished a mere seconds behind Daniel to finish second in Linda.

And an old, bald guy ended up finishing second in the 3k run at 12:06.

No changes occurred in the standings for the women, so all the point totals remain the same.

I've updated the CFOT point totals for everyone through the first two cycles of the throwdown.

I've also updated all of the past entries with updated results and point totals (Top 3 Women and Top 3 Men are all current now, too).

Get ready for some lactic acid as we start the next cycle with squatty Lynne!

Monday, September 8, 2008

CFOT Results: Run 3k

Today's workout represented a pretty radical shift in comparison to last cycle's strength-oriented WODs.

The workout was Run 3k.

Brandon notched his first back-to-back first-place finishes of the CFOT, while on the women's side, Connie put in a rock-solid performance to come out on top in the run.

Top 3 Women:

Connie 12:11
Sierra 13:36
Robyn 15:05

Top 3 Men:

Brandon 11:22
Mini 12:06
Jacques 12:41

I've updated the point totals through today's workout, Run 3k.

It will be interesting to see how much the point totals shift after the rest day tomorrow, as many (the author of this post included) will be making up workouts from this three-day cycle.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

CFOT Results: Fight Gone Bad!

A post-FGB picture from the olden days of CFO

I guess it wouldn't be a CFO Throwdown if we weren't doing good ol' Fight Gone Bad:

Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)

If you've never done FGB, it's difficult to understand how taxing it is physically and emotionally. If you have done FGB, you know only too well how taxing it is physically and emotionally. I'm not sure which group is better off in this case. But that's the beauty of CrossFit!

Today's workout had a familiar feel to it, with Brandon and Candace showing their stuff and taking top honors.

Top 3 Women:

Candace 326
Robyn 291
Dawn 235

Top 3 Men:

Brandon 451
Daniel 365
Jed 363

There are still a few heavy hitters on the men's side who need to take their turn at FGB, so the point totals may change over the next few days (perhaps dramatically so, since many out there are still making up Linda as well).

I've updated the CFOT point totals through today's workout, FGB.

Get your running shoes on for tomorrow's workout, as we take it to the track. We'll be meeting at the Piedmont High Track for all evening classes for tomorrow's WOD: Run 3k.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

CFOT Results: Linda

Linda is one of the classic CF benchmark workouts:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of deadlift, bench press, and clean.

The results for this workout in the men's division are preliminary, since many of the heavy hitters have not yet gone.

Top 3 Women:

None as Rx'd (everyone gets 1 point)

Top 3 Men:

Daniel 15:14
Brandon 15:21
Mini 24:17

And hat's off to Nabil for setting a CFO record with a Linda time of 12:42! Too bad he's not taking part in the throwdown.

I've updated the point totals (likely to change) through today's workout.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

CFOT Results: Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 Reps

Connor at the top of a deadlift

Today was a familiar outcome, Connor and Candace grabbing top honors in the workout.

Today's workout was Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps, and followed the same format as the previous two workouts, only with different exercises (push jerks and back squats, respectively).

Top 3 Women:

Candace 255#
Kim 230#
Robyn 215#

Top 3 Men:

Connor 520#
Loren 435#
Manwell 421#

Bravo to Connor and Candace for really stepping up over these last three workouts and showing us what limit strength is all about.

I've updated the CFOT point totals through today's deadlift workout.

And in case you didn't notice, we gained one more competitor in the women's field: Connie.

Will the workouts remain in the strength domain? Or will they shift over to a metcon emphasis? Post your best guess to comments and enjoy the rest day.

[Addendum due to popular request]

Here's the lowdown on how scoring in the CFOT works.

1st place finish in WOD:  5 points
2nd place finish in WOD:  4 points
3rd place finish in WOD:  3 points
Completion of WOD as Rx'd:  2 points
Completion of WOD (not Rx'd):  1 point

Competitors have to complete all WODs within the four-day cycle (3 WODs plus 1 rest day) in order to receive points.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

CFOT Results: Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 Reps

The standard for legitimate back squat depth laid out by strength coach extraordinaires Rippetoe and Kilgore

Today's workout was another chance to test one's limit strength, and once again followed the same format as yesterday's push jerk workout.

The workout was Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps. And at CFO, we all know who the king of squat is.

Meanwhile, the biggest CFOT-related news involved lots of women jumping into the fray! I guess they were just trying to build some suspense. Lydia, Robyn, Dawn, and Sierra have all joined in on the fun.

Onto the workout results...

Top 3 Women:

Candace & Robyn 185#
Dawn 140#

Top 3 Men:

Connor 475#
Brandon 345#
Daniel 335#

I've updated CFOT point totals through the back squat workout. Please note that some points have been shifted around; Connor push-jerked 250# and was awarded five points for his first-place effort, resulting in Daniel and MJJ finishing second and third, respectively (sorry, Manwell, you were pushed down to rx'd). And on the women's side, things have been shaken up, too. Lydia ended up finishing third on push jerks, resulting in three points, and Robyn was second on push jerks and tied for first on back squats.

We'll once again be testing limit strength tomorrow, and once again it follows the same format. So get your lifting shoes on and get ready for Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

CFOT Results: Push Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 Reps

Candace finishing a push jerk at the 2008 CrossFit Games

The first day of the September CFO Throwdown is done!

Before we get to the results, a few rule clarifications:

  • Each CFOT competitor has one chance, and only one chance, to do the WOD (multiple attempts at a single WOD will not be allowed).
  • Each CFOT competitor must complete the three national-site WODs within the 4-day cycle of those same WODs (three days of workouts plus the rest day).
  • Each CFOT competitor must do the WOD at the CFO box.

Onto today's results...

The results of today's WOD, Push Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 reps, were based on each competitors single highest three-rep set.

The women's field can be summed up in one word: thin! There are only to CFO women taking part in our September throwdown. I salute all of you women out there working your weaknesses with some focused training, but sheesh, only two women. If there are any women out there on the fence, just do it! You won't regret it. The worst that will happen is that you'll get lots of great workouts in over the next couple of weeks.

At any rate, it will be fun to watch Vanessa and Candace go through the workouts over the next four cycles.

Top 3 Women:

Candace 140#
Robyn 125#
Kim 105#

On the men's side, one of our lightest competitors took top honors.

Daniel heaved an impressive 245.5# overhead for all three reps in full lockout; it was a thing of beauty. He ended up edging out MJJ by a half pound to take top honors. Manwell put in a nice showing as well, finishing in third place at 225#.

"Big C" has yet to lift, though, and has until Friday to make up this WOD, so the results are somewhat preliminary. All that being said, below are the results for today's WOD.

Top 3 Men:

Connor 250#
Daniel 245.5#
MJJ 245#

The CFOT point totals have been updated for everyone through today's workout.

Get those legs warmed up and ready for more heavy lifting, tomorrow's WOD is Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps.