Thursday, September 4, 2008

CFOT Results: Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 Reps

Connor at the top of a deadlift

Today was a familiar outcome, Connor and Candace grabbing top honors in the workout.

Today's workout was Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps, and followed the same format as the previous two workouts, only with different exercises (push jerks and back squats, respectively).

Top 3 Women:

Candace 255#
Kim 230#
Robyn 215#

Top 3 Men:

Connor 520#
Loren 435#
Manwell 421#

Bravo to Connor and Candace for really stepping up over these last three workouts and showing us what limit strength is all about.

I've updated the CFOT point totals through today's deadlift workout.

And in case you didn't notice, we gained one more competitor in the women's field: Connie.

Will the workouts remain in the strength domain? Or will they shift over to a metcon emphasis? Post your best guess to comments and enjoy the rest day.

[Addendum due to popular request]

Here's the lowdown on how scoring in the CFOT works.

1st place finish in WOD:  5 points
2nd place finish in WOD:  4 points
3rd place finish in WOD:  3 points
Completion of WOD as Rx'd:  2 points
Completion of WOD (not Rx'd):  1 point

Competitors have to complete all WODs within the four-day cycle (3 WODs plus 1 rest day) in order to receive points.


Anonymous said...

I hope that the workouts go in the direction of eating/not working out, personally. I could do really well if either of those two came up on the site. For those that are interested, I have a few shots from the 7 PM class. It was a sparse crowd, but I got a few of Connor and Lydia.

Deadlifting Photos

Brad Greenlee said...

So are you just going to do all 3 workouts on the rest days, Mini? That'll be fun to watch.

Mike Minium said...

Yep, all three today.

Anonymous said...

I think you should do Fran as a finisher, too.

Mike Minium said...

I made a number of adjustments to the women's point totals that might need some explanation.

Kim has now joined the fray as well.

Her performance in the deadlift yesterday (230#) and the push jerks on Tuesday (105#) resulted in a second place and third place finish, respectively.

And Robyn made up her deadlifts this morning (she finished at 215#, good enough for third place).

So the first three days were as follows:

Push Jerk

Candace 140#
Robyn 125#
Kim 105#

Back Squat

Candace & Robyn 185#
Dawn 140#


Candace 255#
Kim 230#
Robyn 215#


Mike, I searched the archives and could not find a post on the scoring system. Might you provide a refresher? thanks!


Mike Minium said...

Robyn et al.,

I've updated this very post with that information.

Mike Minium said...

And I initially released scoring details in this post:

CFO Blog Post on Throwdown


ooooooooo - LINDA! yeah. The logistics are going to be challenging on this one....