Thursday, September 11, 2008

CFOT Results: Lynne Ain't Squat

Candace and Daniel took top honors in today's WOD

The first workout in this three-day cycle was fascinating.  It was Lynne (max reps at bodyweight bench press and pull-ups) plus max reps in bodyweight squats.

5 Rounds for max reps:

Bodyweight Bench Press
Bodyweight Back Squat

The training effect of this workout was profound, to put it mildly.  As Nabil put it after the workout, he's only ever felt worse during Barbara.

There was only one woman who did it as rx'd:  Candace.

And the men's race resulted in Daniel on top, nabbing another first-place finish.

Below are the results for the gentlemen and ladies, with their total number of reps listed after their name.

Top Women:

Candace 166

Top 3 Women:

Daniel 252
Brandon 238
Jed 206

I've updated the CFOT point totals through today's workout:  Lynne Ain't Squat.

And get your pull-ups, thrusters, and running warmed up for the hero workout Daniel!


daniel said...

All that I want right now is a rest day to help my body get rid of the Rhabdo that I have in my chest, shoulders, and legs.

Anonymous said...

That picture of Tim Dwight and Marion Jones is really creeping me out. Mike, can you please update the Throwdown Blog?