Saturday, March 8, 2008

CFOT Results: Hang Squat Clean 7 x 3

Rezazadeh's 263.5 kg (580 lb) world record clean & jerk from the 2004 Olympic games

Today we got a taste of Olympic weightlifting with our hang squat clean workout.

There are still a few heavy hitters who will be making this workout up on Monday, but for now here are the top three finishers from each category (the poundage listed represents the single best 3-rep set for each competitor).

Top 3 Men:

Brandon 230#
JP 225#
Daniel & Nabil 205#

Top 3 Women:

Tamara 165#
Casey 110#
Kirsten 104#

Great work today, everyone!

The CFOT totals have been updated through today's workout (please note that the totals may change based on the results of a few competitors who have yet to go).

Tomorrow's WOD: "Lynne" (max # reps bench press @ bodyweight + pull-ups)


Brad Greenlee said...

Mike - I'm not sure I should get "Rx'd" credit. I stopped after 5 sets because my back was failing me.

I'm glad we're doing Lynne again...little break for my aching back.

Mike Minium said...

Thanks for reminding me, Brad. I forgot about that. I've deducted one point from your CFOT score.

KC said...

Is Candace one of the people who'll be making it up on Monday? If so you can just take off a point for me right now. ;)

p. said...

i will be making it up.

Brad Gilliatt said...

Hey Lance -

Just a friendly FYI.

CFO is open on Saturdays. Morning schedule and a 4pm class.

Brad Greenlee said...

Bah. Woke up this morning and my back was totally out. Could barely move. I'm definitely not going to be making it today. Hopefully I'll be able to make up Lynne on Monday. Arg.